PVDF Composite Fibers for Wireless Fall-Alert Detection

Authorsسارا عظیمی,عباس جان قمصری,امیر حسین جعفری,محمد تقی رعیتی,الهام نوری,عزت رفیعی,یگانه داوود بیگی,نرگس یعقوبی نیا,حمید عبدی,محمد مهدی ابوالحسنی
JournalMaterials Today Communications
Page number107899
Volume number38
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2023-12-20
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexSCOPUS ,JCR


As the demand for healthcare devices continues to rise, novel technologies centered around personalized motion monitoring systems are surfacing, wherein wearable sensors play a pivotal role. In the present investigation, an innovative wireless apparatus for detecting falls has been introduced, which encompasses a specifically engineered pressure sensor constituted of poly vinylidene fluoride (PVDF) composite fibers. Our design consists of high β-phase content of electrospun composites including 0.1 wt% of zinc oxide/reduced graphene oxide (ZnO/rGO) hybrid (mass ratio 90/10) which shows enhanced electrical voltage of 11.36 ± 0.72 V compared to pristine PVDF fiber. This piezoelectric pressure sensor is integrated with a wireless embedded system capable of transmitting an “SOS” message to a mobile phone upon fall experience of the user. Such wearable fall alert detection system with improved characteristics could benefit elderly and patients needing continuous monitoring for possible falls.

tags: PVDF composite fibers, Piezoelectric nanogenerator, Pressure sensor, Wireless fall-alert detector, Health monitoring.