Dependence Polynomials of some Graph Operations

AuthorsZ. Shiri and A. R. Ashrafi
JournalVietnam Journal of Mathematics
Page number755–769
Serial number4
Volume number43
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2015
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryGermany
Journal IndexScopus, ISI


Suppose G is a simple graph and c k = c k (G) denotes the number of complete subgraphs of size k in G. Then the dependence polynomial of G is defined as f G (x) = 1−c1x+c2x2c3x 3+⋯+(−1)n xn, where n is the size of the largest complete subgraph in G. In this paper, exact formulas for dependence polynomial of some graph operations are presented.

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