Synthesis of MgSO4 nanoparticle doped with Cu by hydrothermal method and investigation of its thermoluminescence properties in gamma irradiation

AuthorsAlmasifard, F., Sadeghi, E., Zahedifar, M., and Harooni, S.
JournalIran. J. Radiat. safety and Meas.
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2017
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of


In this research MgSO4:Cu nanoparticles was synthesized for the first time by hydrothermal method. The size of the produced nanoparticles calculated by scherrer equation was about 36 nm using XRD pattern which was in agreement with that of SEM analysis. Thermoluminescence (TL) properties of the MgSO4:Cu nanoparticles was investigated in gamma irradiation by 60Co source. Optimum amount of impurity was obtained at 0.3 mol%. TL glow curve was de-convolved by GO model and three overlapping peaks were identified at 409, 440 and 529 K. Other TL factors such as reusability, linearity of dose response and fading were also studied.

tags: Thermoluminescence, Nanoparticles, Magnesium sulfate, Linear dose response, Fading.