"Simplified compute-and-forward and its performance analysis"

AuthorsM. Hejazi and M. Nasiri-Kenari
JournalIET Communications
Page number2054-2063
Serial number7
Volume number18
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published AtDec. 2013
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryUnited States


The compute-and-forward (CMF) method has shown a great promise as an innovative approach to exploit interference towards achieving higher network throughput. The CMF was primarily introduced by means of information theory tools. Although there have been some recent works discussing different aspects of efficient and practical implementation of CMF, there are still some issues that are not covered. In this study, the authors first introduce a method to decrease the implementation complexity of the CMF method. They then evaluate the exact outage probability of the authors proposed simplified CMF scheme, and hereby provide an upper bound on the outage probability of the optimum CMF in all signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values, and a close approximation of its outage probability in low SNR regimes. They also evaluate the effect of the channel estimation error (CEE) on the performance of both optimum and their proposed simplified CMF by simulations. Their simulation results indicate that the proposed method is more robust against CEE than the optimum CMF method for the examples considered.

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