Borrowing from the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad in contemporary Arabic poetry

AuthorsFatemeh Shaker Ardakani; Ali Najafi Eivaki; Maryam Jalaei
Page number۱۸۰-۲۰۴
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At۲۰۲۰
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryAlgeria


This research, through religious texts, seeks to focus on the revelation of the noble Nabatean narration that the contemporary poet explodes, and how it can be used and the ability to re-create new and creative content, which is inspired by the missing texts in a new dress. most important findings of this research are that most poets did not care about this great source of material worthy of the inspiration of poetry, and this is why they missed the sanctity of the Prophet's Hadith and its beauty in vocabulary, pictures, and meanings This article explores its descriptive, analytical, and critical approach to how contemporary Arab poets are inspired by the noble Nabawi discourse and tries to reveal the inspirations. These poets were inspired Including in several political axes, including Arab governments, encouraging people to revolution, highlighting the virtues of the martyrs and the like.

tags: : inspiration, Hadith, religious texts, contemporary poetry