Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
41اThe relationship between religiosity and physical and mental health in the optimal style of student life from the point of view of Quran and Haditمصطفی عباسی مقدم,عباس احمدیInternational Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation2020-10-14
42“Comparing the lifestyle of Islamic and Western students based on the school of secularism”مصطفی عباسی مقدم,عباس احمدیThe Journal of Social Sciences Research2019-08-03
43اسالیب العربیه و جمالیتها فی القران الکریممصطفی عباسی مقدم,عبدالحر حمزهمجله=المصباح مجله علمیه فصلیه محکمه2019-06-17
44التعبیر الفنی و جمال السیاق بمنزله جمالیه لغویهمصطفی عباسی مقدم,عبدالحر زیدان حمزهمجله المصباح2019-03-03
45Fhysical and mental health,bases of the optimal lifestyle of moslem studentsمصطفی عباسی مقدم,عباس احمدیBuletin Teknologi Ternakan2017-11-21
46Fhysical and mental health,bases of the optimal lifestyle of moslem studentsMostafa Abbasi Moghaddam/ Abbas AhmadiBuletin Teknologi Ternakan2017-11-21
47اهم الاسالیب التبلیغیه فی دعوه الرسول الاکرم صمصطفی عباسی مقدمدراسات فی العلوم الانسانیه2001-08-11
48Self-care in Islamic teachings (journal of medicine and cultivationmostafa abbasi moghadam- mohsen ghorbanian(journal of medicine and cultivationطب و تزکیه(2114
49Comparison of the methods of propagation of the Qur'anic Oswehs with known methods of propaganda in the world today -mostafa abbasi moghadamJournal of Quran and Hadith Studies of Imam Sadiq University - No. 92113میلادی
50Meaning and standards of best argument in quran and hadith-mostafa abbasi moghadam- mohamad fallah maraghiQuran semantic research journal - Isfehan university-13971397- 2118
51. The Methodology of the Prophet's Conflict with the polytheists and the believers - - Scientific Research ,1390mostafa abbasi moghadamReligion Philosophy Magazine1390 شمسی 2111 میلادی
52Methodology of the Prophet's Conflict with the Polytheists and Opponents - - 1390mostafa abbasi moghadamScientific Journal of Religion Philosophy1390 شمسی 2111 میلادی
53. The study of the basics and the truth of the Istikharah in the Qur'an and the Sunnah - , 1387mostafa abbasi moghadamScientific Journal of Hadith Sciences1387شمسی میلادی2008
54The prominent methods of propagation of Rasoul-e-Akram (pbuh) - Modares Scientific and Research Journal - Tarbiat Modares University - 1378mostafa abbasi moghadamScientific and Research Journal - Tarbiat Modares University1378شمسی
Showing 41-54 of 54 items.