

  • Resonance of warm plasma column with elliptical cross-section at scattering phenomena of long-wavelength electromagnetic waves and investigation of dispersion relation in an elliptical magnetized plasma filled waveguide
  • Study of electron acceleration by TE11mode inside a collisional plasma circular waveguide
  • Influence of electron–ion collisions in plasma on the electron energy gain using the  TE11mode inside an elliptical waveguide
  • Investigation  of the growth rate and dispersion relation of electromagnetism waves in a sheath helix  travelling wave tube with a coaxial coil rod
  • Microwave ponderomotive effect on the electrons density in the plasma waveguides and environments
  • Investigation of the nonlinear effects of force and acceleration of ponderomotive in different plasmas
  • Investigation of plasma structures in curved space times
  • Investigation of binding energy and strong potential in heavy hodrons
  • Spherical plasmas compressed and stretched (oblate and prolate plasmas ) and scattering of electromagnetic waves from these