An environmental eco-friendly approach to the synthesis of azo dyes based on 2-naphthol using solid acid catalyst

Authorsعبد الحمید بامنیری,مریم آقامحمدصادق
Conference TitleThe 27th Iranian confrerence on organic chemistry- Urmia University- 21-23 Aug- 2019
Holding Date of Conference2019-08-21 - 2019-08-23
Event Place1 - ارومیه
Presented byدانشگاه ارومیه
Conference LevelNational Conferences


Azo dyes are a class of chemical compounds that are continuously receiving attention in scientific research. They are usually strongly coloured compounds. Infact, about half of dyes in industry are azo ones, which are mostly prepared from diazonium salts. Recently, azo compounds as organic dyes have also attracted attention due to their interesting electronic features in connection with their application for molecular memory storage, nonlinear optical elements and organic photo conductors.

tags: 2-Naphthol, Solid acid catalyst, Diazo coupling, Grinding, Solvent-free