Renormalization of the energy-momentum tensor in 2D de Sitter QED

AuthorsEhsan Bavarsad-Manizheh Botshekananfard
Conference Title9th conference on particle physics and fields
Holding Date of Conference2019-02-13~14
Event PlaceYazd-Iran
Presented byUniversity of Kashan
Page number51-54
Conference LevelNational Conferences


In this paper, renormalization of the energy-momentum tensor in the 2D de Sitter QED is investigated. We show that the logarithmic ultraviolet divergence is removed and a finite expression has been obtained using adiabatic subtraction scheme. To obtain the tensor, we consider the renormalization condition at the conformal coupling point, and define the value of the renormalized trace equal to the conformal anomaly in the limit of the massless fermion and zero electromagnetic field.

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