Effect of a magnetic field on Schwinger mechanism in de Sitter spacetime

AuthorsEhsan Bavarsad-Sang Pyo Kim-Clément Stahl-SheSheng Xue
JournalPhysical Review D
Presented byUniversity of Kashan
Page number025017
Serial number2
Volume number97
Paper TypeOriginal Research
Published At2018-1-25
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryUnited States
Journal IndexISI


We investigate the effect of a uniform magnetic field background on scalar QED pair production in a four-dimensional de Sitter spacetime (dS4). We obtain a pair production rate which agrees with the known Schwinger result in the limit of Minkowski spacetime and with Hawking radiation in dS spacetime in the zero electric field limit. Our results describe how the cosmic magnetic field affects the pair production rate in cosmological setups. In addition, using the zeta function regularization scheme we calculate the induced current and examine the effect of a magnetic field on the vacuum expectation value of the current operator. We find that, in the case of a strong electromagnetic background the current responds as EB, while in the infrared regime, it responds as B/E, which leads to a phenomenon of infrared hyperconductivity. These results for the induced current have important applications for the cosmic magnetic field evolution.

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