Zavarei Interpretive Approach In Interpreting The TarjomatAlkhavas

Fatemeh Haji Hadi Risse

What is the interpretative method of translation of al-Khawas al-Zawa and how does the verbal currents of the era affect this interpretation? What is the impact of this interpretation on the interpretations of its age, such as: Manhaj al-Sadiqin, are questions whose answers are sought in this research? The interpretation of the translation of al-Khawas Zahār is one of the interpretations of the Safavid Imamite in the 10th century AD

 Although the majority of this interpretation is based on the narrative method, the interpreter has tried to use other interpretive methods such as: literary, rational, etc. to explain the verses, so the interpretation The vault is approaching the ijtihadi method.
In this interpretation, religious beliefs, beliefs, scholarly expertise of the interpreter, verbal, jurisprudential and literary tendencies, which imply the perceptibility of his contemporary influences, are observed. The shrines deal with issues such as returnees, provinces, imamate, emergence and other verbal subjects to defend the Imams' beliefs.