An Analytic Study Of The Difference In The Commentary Approach In Interpreting Celestial Verses

Abolfazl Atoufi Salmani

The descent of the Celestial verses of the Qur'an due to the intellectual
and cultural development of humankind has led to a Comprehensive
Evolution for changing some attitudes from past to present to create a
new review on this specific Concepts of the Quran. The consequences of
new awareness along with Conceptual teachings of commentators in
every era and centuries has been changed this Part of the verses of
Qur'an a lot in a way that some Examples And its forms using the new
language templates has been placed In the path of admitting education
and infinite meanings.This kind of attitude and approach which its
essence has relied on revelation, caused to raise a broad branch of
meanings and implications from the commentators, in addition to the
apparent attitude to this part of verses, the underlying and inner layers
are also considered due to the style of the verses. For this reason, this
research seeks to consider some of the major Qur'anic celestial
phenomena that contains terminology such as "sama", "Sab’a
Samavat", "Shehab", "taregh" , "hobok" , "najm" and "mos’e" which
according to the comments of great commentators who have tried to
consider this like Zamakhshari Autor of "al-kashef" Fakhr Razi the Autor
of "Mafatih al-Ghaib" Sheikh Tantawi the Autor of "al-javaher fi tafsir
Qur’an" and Allameh Tabatabai the Autor of "al-mizan fi tafsir Qur’an"
And it can illustrate not only Semantic and statistical of this terms but
also The basis of the difference between the above mentioned
commentators for the interpretation of these verses. After reviewing
and analyzing different opinions of the commentators about sam’avi
verses in Quran We conclude that the cause of the difference and
different views of them had two main reasons, First of all,it was for
their intellectual and beliefs foundations and their Verbal Beliefs and
Secondly, according to the age and period in which they lived, they
Revealed and revealed themselves in a way which it could be said in
addition to different levels of meaning , All of these views have the
highest possible orientation.
Keywords: sama , Samavat , Zamakhshari , Fakhr Razi , Tantawi ,
Allameh Tabatabai