Tape Sialk: A Repository of Prehistoric Cultures of Iranian Central Plateau

Authorsجواد حسین زاده ساداتی
JournalPamphlet: publication series of the chair of Christopher Girot, 24 lost in paradise
Page number12
Volume number24
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2020-06-18
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of


Tape Sialk: Environmental Setting, History and Chronology Tape Sialk is one of the oldest and last longing settlements of the Iranian central plateau, located about 200 Kilometers south of Tehran at the northern skirt of Karkas Mountains in the suburb of the city of Kashan. The specific location of Sialk between high mountains on the south, and very dry desert of central Iran on the north, brought some costs and benefits to its inhabitants. While the area enjoys temperate climates from early October to late May, due to its proximity to the high Karkas mountains, it suffers from high temperatures and dry climates from June to early September. These dimorphic geography and environment lead to the formation of two entire occupational systems: one in shape of some green summer villages with gardens and small farming fields that enjoy surface waters and springs with temperate climates, like the cities Neyasar and Qamsar, and another in the shape of a desert oasis. The oasis’ Qanat irrigation systems provide enough water for the needs in wet seasons, but at least nowadays, they could not survive without water being delivered in tankers.

tags: sialk, environment, history, cultural evolution