Some Codes and Designs invariant under the groups $S_7$ and $S_8$

Authorsرضا کهکشانی
JournalJournal of Mahani Mathematical Research
Page number511
Volume number13
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2023-10-25
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexISC


We use the Key-Moori Method 1 and examine 1-designs and codes from the representations of the alternating group $A_7$. It is shown that a self-dual symmetric 2-(35,18,9) design and an optimal even binary [21,14,4] LCD code are found such that they are invariant under the full automorphism groups $S_8$ and $S_7$, respectively. Moreover, designs with parameters 1-$(21,l,k_{1,l})$ and 1-$(35,l, k_{2,l})$ are obtained, where $\omega$ is a codeword, $l=wt(\omega)$, $k_{1,l}=l|\omega^{S_7}|/21$ and $k_{2,l}=l|\omega^{S_7}|/35$. It is seen that there exist a 2-(21,5,12) design with the full automorphism group $S_7$ among these 1-designs.

tags: Code, Design, Automorphism group, Alternating group, Primitive permutation representation.