A Generalized Binet Formula That Counts the Tilings of a $(2\times n)$-board

Authorsرضا کهکشانی,میثم عرب
Page number1
Volume number18
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2018-11-23
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexSCOPUS


In this paper, we answer an open problem raised by Katz and Stenson. They considered the tilings of a $(2\times n)$-board using $a$ colors of squares and $b$ colors of dominoes. The number of such tilings, denoted by $K_n^{a,b}$, is a generalization of the Fibonacci numbers. Obtaining a Binet-style formula for these numbers is such problem. We obtain a generalized Binet formula for $K_^{a,b}$.

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