Spectrophotometric Studies of the Thermodynamics of Molecular Interaction between Some Free Base meso-Tetraarylporphyrins and SbF3

Authorsحسین دهقانی قربی,مریم بردبار,شیدا رضاخانی,محمد رضا منصور نیا
JournalBulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Page number711
Volume number81
IFثبت نشده
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2008-06-11
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexSCOPUS ,JCR


Spectrophotometric study was applied to the interaction of SbF3 with para-, meta-, and ortho-substituted meso-tetraarylporphyrins (H2t(Xp)p; X: H, OCH3, CH3, and Cl) in CHCl3. The 1:1 formation constants of the resulting complexes were calculated at several temperatures by the computer fitting of absorbances of solutions versus mole ratio data with appropriate equations. Thermodynamic parameters (G0, H0, and S0) have been determined and the influence of electron donation and steric effect of the substituted aryl groups in the free base porphyrins on the stability of the complexes is discussed.

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