Two-dimensional generalized discrete Fourier transform and related quasi-cyclic Reed-Solomon codes

AuthorsM. Mazrooei - L. Rahimi - N. Sahami
JournalTurkish Journal of Mathematics
Presented byUniversity of Kashan
Volume number42
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2018-01-22
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryTurkey


Using the concept of the partial Hasse derivative, we introduce a generalization of the classical 2-dimensional discrete Fourier transform, which will be called 2D-GDFT. Begining with the basic properties of 2D-GDFT, we proceed to study its computational aspects as well as the inverse transform, which necessitate the development of a faster way to calculate the 2D-GDFT. As an application, we will employ 2D-GDFT to construct a new family of quasi-cyclic linear codes that can be assumed to be a generalization of Reed{Solomon codes.

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tags: Discrete Fourier transform, partial Hasse derivative, Reed{Solomon codes