Synchronization of a periodic modulation of mirrors in an optomechanical system

AuthorsV. Amei, M. Eghbali Arani,M. Rafie
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2019-10-04
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexSCOPUS ,JCR


Proposing an optomechanical cavity modulated periodically, we have studied the modulation synchronization of the mechanical modes of mirrors. A periodic modulation has been applied to one of the mirrors, where the second mirror has the capability of oscillation with no modulation on that. As a result of having the periodic modulation, we have found a phase-locking synchronization between the mechanical modes of the mirrors and the enhancement of quantum synchronization. Considering the fact that periodic modulation can make squeezed states, we have shown that there is a robust synchronization of periodic modulation against enhancement of detuning between the mirrors. Also, our results show that having a periodic modulation leads to a stationary entanglement generation between the mirrors.

tags: Periodic modulation ,Synchronization ,Entanglement generation