Studying the connective language of Alarbaen poem of Alavi Broujerdi based on Jacobsen

AuthorsRouhollah saiiadi nezhad; mohammad montazemi pour; maryam jalae
JournalJ0urnal of Stadies on Kashan
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At۱۹- ۰۹_ ۲۰۲۲
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of


rog linguistic presented the theory of connection between normal and literal language based on Jacobsen theories and distinguish the poetic roll of language with its connective roll. Followers of this school believed that the connective roll of language is a roll that normal, routine, automatism and normative language are parts of it. In this way, language is just referent but poetic roll of language is attitude to signs, symbolize and its importance. Writers of this research want to study the connective language of Mohammad Ibne Ibrahim Al- Mousavi poems who is known as Alavi Broujerdi (1272- 1362) and he is one of the poets of fourteen centuries by analytic- descriptive method. This results of this research shows that this poet explains his thoughts and senses truthfully and his emotions are so much in this poem. Hidden pronoun in imperative verbs in this poem has no special address but this pronoun could be addressed anyone who read this poem. The poet use elements which can be percepted by external and inward senses to help him transfer his messages, and by this method he could make an inseparable connection between inside and outside of reader world. By focusing on the literary role, Alavi Boroujerdi has actually neglected the connection between the linguistic and literary aspects, and since the emphasis in the literary role is on the message, by using these literary works he wants to convince and delightful the addresser.

tags: Alarbaein poem- Alavi Broujerdi elegy Jacobsen connective theory