Inverse nodal problem for the integro-differential Dirac operator with a delay in the kernel

AuthorsSeyfollah Mosazadeh
JournalJournal of Integral Equations and Applications
Presented byUniversity of Kashan
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2022-05-01
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryUnited States


‎In the present article‎, ‎we consider an integro-differential Dirac system with an integral delay on a finite interval‎. ‎We obtain the asymptotical formula for the nodal points of the first components of the eigenfunctions‎, ‎formulate a uniqueness theorem and prove that the kernel of the Dirac operator can be uniquely determined from a dense subset of the nodal set‎. We also present examples for reconstructing the kernel by using the nodal points‎.

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