Differential equations with a singularity and turning point of second order

AuthorsAbdolali Neamaty, Abdolhadi Dabbaghian and Seyfollah Mosazadeh
JournalInt. J. Math. Anal
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2008
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryBulgaria
Journal IndexScopus


We consider the differential systems dy dt = iρ 1 R 1 (t) x , dx dt = iρR 2 (t) y (*) on a finite interval I = [t 0,t 1 ]. In this paper, we transform (*) to the equation with singularity and turning point. As a basic result we derive asymptotic estimates for a special fundamental system of solutions of the corresponding differential equation and determine the characteristic function and the eigenvalues