Authors | Seyfollah Mosazadeh, Abdolali Neamaty and Maedeh Bagherzadeh |
Journal | International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research |
Presented by | University of Kashan- University of Mazandaran |
Page number | 186-198 |
Serial number | 17 |
Volume number | 2 |
Paper Type | Full Paper |
Published At | 2019 |
Journal Grade | ISI (Listed) |
Journal Type | Typographic |
Journal Country | Switzerland |
Journal Index | Scopus |
This paper deals with the unique solvability of the inverse problem for second-order differential operators having a singular potential. It is shown that the coefficients of the differential operator can be determined from the spectral data. Then, we construct the theoretical bases and provide a numerical algorithm for solving the inverse problem of spectral analysis and finding the potential function. Finally, some numerical examples are considered to demonstrate the applicability of the algorithm.