On the numerical solution of an inverse spectral problem with a singular potential

AuthorsSeyfollah Mosazadeh, Abdolali Neamaty and Maedeh Bagherzadeh
JournalInternational Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research
Presented byUniversity of Kashan- University of Mazandaran
Page number186-198
Serial number17
Volume number2
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2019
Journal GradeISI (Listed)
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountrySwitzerland
Journal IndexScopus


This paper deals with the unique solvability of the inverse problem for second-order differential operators having a singular potential. It is shown that the coefficients of the differential operator can be determined from the spectral data. Then, we construct the theoretical bases and provide a numerical algorithm for solving the inverse problem of spectral analysis and finding the potential function. Finally, some numerical examples are considered to demonstrate the applicability of the algorithm.

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