Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
21Excitation of THz hybrid modes in an elliptical dielectric rod waveguide with a cold collisionless unmagnetized plasma column by an annular electron beamZ. Rahmani, E. Heidari-Semiromi and S. SafariPhysics of Plasmas14 06 2016
22Magnetic Field Effects on Resonance Frequency of the Plasmons in ElectromagneticWave Scattering Process from a Dielectric-CoveredMetallic Rod Placed in a Plasma AntennaB. Jazi · Z. Rahmani · F. Sadeghi-Nia · H. ShabaniPLASMONICS01 04 2015
23Scattering from an eccentric system, including a dielectric rod placed in a thin annular magnetized relativistic rotating electron beam (TAMRREB)B. Jazia, S. Golharania & Z. RahmaniWaves in Random and Complex Media05 06 2015
24The Role of Resonance Frequency of the Plasmons in Electromagnetic Wave Scattering Process from a Dielectric Covered Metallic Rod Placed in a Plasma AntennaB. Jazi · F. Sadeghi-Nia · Z. RahmaniPLASMONICS30 05 2014
25Terahertz electromagnetic wave generation and amplification by an electron beam in the elliptical plasma waveguides with dielectric rodZ. Rahmani, B. Jazi and E. Heidari-SemiromiPhysics of Plasmas30 09 2014
26Electromagnetic modeling of the energy distribution of a metallic cylindrical parabolic reflector covered with a magnetized plasma layerA. R. Niknam,1,a) M. R. Khajehmirzaei, B. Davoudi-Rahaghi, Z. Rahmani, B. Jazi and A. Abdoli-AraniPhysics of Plasmas28 07 2014
27Reflection and Absorption of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Dissipative Magnetized Plasma SlabBahram Jazi, Zeinab Rahmani, and Babak ShokriIEEE Transactions on Plasma Science24 01 2013
28Interference simulation in a cold collisionless moving magnetized plasma slab (Bo || vzz) and B0 ⊥ (free surface of plasma slab)Zeinab Rahmani a , Bahram Jazi a & Abbas Abdoli-AraniWaves in Random and Complex Media01 07 2013
29Total transparency of a two-moving-magnetized-plasma-layer structureZ. Rahmani , B. Jazi , B. ShokriPhysics Letters A02 09 2013
30Analysis of the reflection of electromagnetic waves in an unsteady moving magnetized plasma slabZ. Rahmani , B. Jazi & B. ShokriWaves in Random and Complex Media09 10 2012
31The reflection index of an unsteady magnetized plasma slab when the external magnetic field is normal to the plasma surfaceZ. RahmaniWaves in Random and Complex Media13 06 2012
32Time growth rate and field profiles of hybrid modes excited by a relativistic elliptical electron beam in an elliptical metallic waveguide with dielectric rodB. Jazi, Z. Rahmani, E. Heidari-Semiromi, and A. Abdoli-AraniPhysics of Plasmas22 10 2012
33A new description based on modified Airy function for interference in moving magnetized plasma slabsB. Jazi a , Z. Rahmani a , A. Abdoli-Arani a & S. Tahani-RavandiWaves in Random and Complex Media30 11 2011
34Relative even and odd parity levels within the nuclei in the iron regionZ. Rahmani, M. Nasri NasrabadiActa Physica Polonica Series B01 03 2011
35The dielectric tensor and field equations in the inhomogeneous cold collisionless magnetized drift plasmas with elliptical cross sectionsB. Jazi , A. Abdoli-Arani, Z. Rahmani, R. Ramezani-Arani, M. MonemzadehPhysics Letters A11 09 2010
36تحریک و تقویت مُدهای هیبریدی در موجبرهای پلاسمایی ترکیبی دایروی- بیضوی شامل باریکه الکترونی نسبیتی(پذیرفته شده جهت انتشار)مسلم علیزاده فر,زینب رحمانی نوش آبادی,عباس عبدلی آرانیالکترومغناطیس کاربردیdate-error
37بررسی اثر پلاسمای سرد ضد سودوموناس آئروژینوزا تلقیح شده در گلابزینب رحمانی نوش آبادی,فاطمه محمدی,رضا شرافتی چالشتریمیکروب شناسی مواد غذایی1402/01/06
38اثر پارامترهای مختلف بر شدت جذب و نوار گاف بلور فوتونی پلاسمایی سه¬تایی با احتساب اثرات گرمایی و برخوردی پلاسمازینب رحمانی نوش آبادی,ناهید رضائیپژوهش های نوین فیزیک1400/06/29
39Propagation of electromagnetic waves in elliptical waveguides made of materials with anisotropic Hermitian dielectric tensorsB. Jazia; A. Abdoli-Arania; Z. Rahmania; M. Monemzadeha; R. Ramezani-AraniaWaves in Random and Complex Media31 08 2010
40Investigating the resonance of an elliptical solid and annular plasma column with the dielectric layer and the coreسمیه پیری زادهجراندوست,عباس عبدلی آرانی,زینب رحمانی نوش آبادیPramana2023-03-28
Showing 21-40 of 43 items.