An evaluation of Oliver Watson's view about Egypt as the origin of luster glaze

Authorsabbas akbari
Journalnagh mayeh
Page number۳۵ - ۴۴
Volume number۴
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At۲۰۱۰
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexISC


In the last few decades, there have been different views about the origin of luster glaze.Egypt, Iran and Iraq are suggested as the home of luster glaze. Experts have tried to provide enough evidence to support their views. Oliver Watson as an expert in the field has suggested Egypt as the origin of luster glaze. He provides evidence by comparing Iranian pottery’s motifs with Egyptian counterparts. He argues that there are several similarities between these motifs across the two countries and that Iranian potters have been under the influence of Egyptian potters. As Watson's work has been frequently referred to by other experts, in this article his view is reviewed and evaluated in the light of different pieces of evidenc