Bagasse nano-catalytic conversion to biofuel in a mixed supercritical/subcritical medium

AuthorsM Barati, G Kahid
Conference Title19th Iranian Congress of Chemistry
Holding Date of Conference2017-2-20
Event PlaceShiraz
PresentationIN SERIES
Conference LevelNational Conferences


Conversion of Iranian bagasse to gaseous and liquid fuels was carried out in a basic and reducing medium of subcritical water and supercritical methanol with 80%wt and 20%wt, respectively.The process was performed in a bomb 200 mL reactor in presence of Cu /γAl -MgO catalysts. The catalysts were promoted with different percentages of K and the effects of Cu and Kloadings on quality and quantity of biofuel products were investigated. The catalysts wereprepared with 20wt% of Cu and 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10wt% of K. They were shown in the text withCu20, Cu20-K1, Cu20-K2.5, Cu20-K5, Cu20-K7 and Cu20-K10, respectively. 3