Gear train optimization based on minimum volume/weight design

AuthorsSa'id Golabi, Javad Jafari Fesharaki, Maryam Yazdipoor
JournalMechanism and machine theory
Presented byUniversity of Kashan
Page number197-217
Volume number73
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2014-3-01
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryNetherlands
Journal IndexISI


In this study, the general form of objective function and design constraints for the volume/weight of a gearbox has been written. The objective function and constraints can be used for any number of stages for gearbox ratio but in this paper one, two and three-stage gear trains have been considered and by using a Matlab program, the volume/weight of the gearbox is minimized. Finally, by choosing different values for the input power, gear ratio and hardness of gears the practical graphs from the results of the optimization are presented. From the graphs, all the necessary parameters of the gearbox such as number of stages, modules, face width of gears, and shaft diameter can be derived. The results are compared with those reported in the previous works and an example is presented to show how the practical graphs can be used.