Characterization of distributions by expectation of functions of some measures in the reliability

Authorsمحمد امینی,غلامرضا محتشمی برزادران
Conference Titleدومین سمینار تخصصی نظریه قابلیت اعتماد و کاربردهای آن
Holding Date of Conference2016-05-18 - 2016-05-19
Event Place1 - تهران
Presented byدانشگاه تهران
Conference LevelNational Conferences


Nanda (2010) characterized some distributions with the help of failure rate and mean residual functions. In this paper, we generalize one of his results and characterize a few distributions by expectation of functions of some measures in the reliability.

tags: Characterization, Hazard rate, Mean residual life, Expected inactivity time.