Authors | Abolfazl Halvaei Niasar, Hossein NikKhah |
Journal | IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE) |
Presented by | دانشگاه کاشان |
Page number | 1268-1275 |
Serial number | 2 |
Volume number | 8 |
IF | 8.8 |
Paper Type | Full Paper |
Published At | 2019 |
Journal Grade | ISI |
Journal Type | Typographic |
Journal Country | United States |
Journal Index | ISI |
Evaporative coolers with single-phase induction motors (SPIMs) are one of the least efficient and most commonly used electrical power consumers all over the world. Recently, it has been suggested to substitute SPIMs with higher-efficiency motors, such as permanent magnet brushless (PMBL) motors. However, control method for brushless motors often work based on speed, while laboratory tests indicate that, due to fluid characteristics of the blower, the airflow rate is not just related to the speed, where increasing the cooler’s duct length reduces the airflow rate, thereby preventing the desired airflow rate to be reached. To overcome this problem, in this work, a new power based control scheme has been developed to stabilize the outlet airflow rate instead of the speed control. In this approach, output power of PMBL motor is regulated around a set point power corresponding to the desired air flow rate. A 5000 m3/h evaporative cooler equipped with brushless motor was tested with both constant speed and power control strategies. Results indicated superiority of the proposed brushless motor drive and power control scheme.
tags: Brushless motor, efficiency, electric drive, energy saving, evaporative cooler, power control