A full compatible three-dimensional elasticity element for buckling analysis of FGM rectangular plates subjected to various combinations of biaxial normal and shear loads

AuthorsK. Asemi, M. Shariyat, M. Salehi, H. Ashrafi
JournalFinite Elements in Analysis and Design
Page number9-21
Volume number74
Paper TypeOriginal Research
Published At2013
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryUnited States


In the present paper, a three-dimensional elasticity approach is employed to investigate buckling of heterogeneous functionally graded plates under biaxial compression, shear, tension-compression, and shear-compression load conditions. In this regard, a formulation that employs a full compatible three-dimensional Hermitian element with 168 degrees of freedom and guarantees continuity of the strain and stress components is used. It is known that all of the available famous commercial finite element softwares and the proposed series solutions satisfy continuity conditions of the displacement rather than the stress components. Buckling occurrence is detected based on checking both the instability onset and equilibrium criteria. Results are extracted based on a Galerkin-type orthogonality. Therefore, they are more accurate than those obtained based on the traditional Ritz method. The presented three-dimensional finite element analysis and the extracted results are quite new. A vast variety of results including results of biaxial compression, compression-tension, shear, and shear-compression load cases is considered and discussed in detail.

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