Journal Papers
Journal Papers:
- Residual Stresses Measurement in UIC 60 Rail by Ring-Core Method and Sectioning, AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2 (1), 99-106, 2018.
- Residual stress, tensile strength, and macrostructure investigations on ultrasonic assisted friction stir welding of AA 6061-T6, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 0309324718789768, 2018.
- Process Parameters Optimization of the Explosive-Welded Al/Cu Bimetal in the Incremental Sheet Metal Forming Process, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 2018.
- Multi-response optimization on single-point incremental forming of hyperbolic shape Al-1050/Cu bimetal using response surface methodology, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 96 (9-12), 3069-3080, 2018.
- Simulation and Investigation of Mechanical and Geometrical Properties of St/CP-Titanium Bimetal Sheet during the Single Point Incremental Forming Process, Iranian journal of material forming 5 (1), 1-18, 2018.
- Analytical model to estimate force of constrained groove pressing process, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 32, 11-19, 2018.
- Through-depth residual stress measurement of laser bent steel–titanium bimetal sheets, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 53 (3), 130-140, 2018.
- Numerical and experimental study on incremental forming process of Al/Cu bimetals: influence of process parameters on the forming force, dimensional accuracy and thickness variations, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 13 (1), 35-51, 2018.
- Numerical and experimental study on the layer arrangement in the incremental forming process of explosive-welded low-carbon steel/CP-titanium bimetal sheet, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95 (9-12), 3781-3796, 2018.
- A Numerical Study on the Residual Stress Measurement Accuracy Using Inverse Eigenstrain Method, Journal of stress analysis 2 (2), 1-11, 2018.
- Uncertainty analysis of residual stresses measured by slitting method in equal-channel angular rolled Al-1060 strips, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 52 (2), 83-92, 2017.
- Uncertainty analysis of contour method in the hot extruded Aluminum specimens, Modares Mechanical Engineering, Accepted Paper, (In Persian), 2017.
- An Experimental Study on the process parameters of Incremental Forming of Explosively-Welded Al/Cu Bimetal, Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering 7(1), 73-83, 2017.
- Application of CVN and 3-point bending in determination of critical fracture toughness of 46E2 and 60E1 rails, Modares Mechanical Engineering, (In Persian), 17 (4), 61-66, 2017.
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Thickness Variation in the Spinning Process of Al-1060 Alloy, Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production 5 (4), 5-12, 2016.
- Investigation of residual stress and mechanical properties of equal channel angular rolled St12 strips, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 2016.
- Experimental and numerical investigation of the hot incremental forming of Ti-6Al-4V sheet using electrical current, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 83 (9), 2027-2037, 2016.
- Investigation of the effects of cold rolling on the mechanical properties of explosively-welded Al/St/Al multilayer sheet, Metallurgical Research & Technology 113 (1), 2016.
- A Study on the Hardness of 7075 and 5052 Aluminum Alloys in the Equal Channel Angular Rolling Process, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 85, 879-889, 2016.
- Experimental Investigation of Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Alloy 3003 Produced by Equal Channel Angular Rolling Process, Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production 4 (4), 29-38, 2015.
- Investigation of Annealing Treatment on the Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Explosive-Welded Al/St/Al Multilayer, Modares Mechanical Engineering, (In Persian), 15 (1), 397-402, 2015.
- Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Al/Cu Strip Produced by Equal Channel Angular Rolling, Procedia Materials Science 11, 1-5, 2015.
- Investigation of residual stresses in stress-relieved samples by heat treatment and ultrasonic methods using hole-drilling method, Modares mechanical engineering, (In Persian), 14 (15), 273-278, 2015.
- Investigation of ECAR Routes on Mechanical Properties of Explosive-Welded Al-Cu Bimetal, Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production 3 (4), 83-92, 2014.
- Investigation of cold rolling influence on the mechanical properties of explosive-welded Al/Cu bimetal, Materials Science and Engineering: A 558, 144-149, 2012.
- Investigation of cold rolling influence on near surface residual stress distribution in explosive welded multilayer, Strength of Materials 44 (6), 693-698, 2012.
- Experimental study of through-depth residual stress in explosive welded Al–Cu–Al multilayer, Materials & Design 37, 577-581, 2012.
- Investigation of annealing treatment on the interfacial properties of explosive-welded Al/Cu/Al multilayer, Materials & Design 37, 122-127, 2012.
- Numerical Study of Effective Parameters on Cold Rolling of Tri-layers Al/St/Al and Cu/Al/Cu, International journal of advanced design and manufacturing technology, (In Persian), 3(1), 2011.