Hamidreza Jayhani


DegreeGraduated inMajorUniversity
MSc1997ArchitectureSchool of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran
Ph.D2014Conservation of Monuments and Historic Urban AreasArt University of Isfahan- AUI, Isfahan

Employment Information

Faculty/DepartmentPosition/RankEmployment TypeCooperation TypeGrade
University of KashanFaculty MemberTenure TrackFull Time9

Work Experience

1-Director, Department of Art and Architecture, Kashan Studies Research Center, from 2015.

2-Director, Department of Garden and Landscape, Research Center of Monuments and Sites, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, 2007-2009.

3-Vice Director, Technical Office of Museums and Historic Sites, Iran Cultural Heritage Organization, 2002-2005

1-Elected Researcher of the Year: Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism- RICHT, Dec. 2017, Tehran, Iran.

2-Elected Faculty Member of the Year (in Educational Service): University of Kashan, 2015, Kashan, Iran.

3-Elected Researcher of the Year: University of Kashan, 2015, Kashan, Iran.

4-Referee of the World Award for Book of the Year of Iran and Appreciated by Deputy of Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, 2015, Tehran, Iran.

5-Award: Elected PhD Candidate for Visiting Student Award, Minority Awards Program, A Fellow Appointment at the Smithsonian Institution’s Freer Gallery of Art/Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (FSGA), Washington DC, USA.

6-Award: Six Months Scholarship Award to Carry out Part of Ongoing PhD Thesis at the University of Pennsylvania, Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology- MSRT, 2011, Iran

7-Elected PhD Student for Short-Term Pre-Doctoral Residency at Dumbarton Oaks, an institute of Harvard University, Feb.– Mar. 2011, Washington, DC, USA.

8-Appreciated by Dean of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, for Collaboration with Department of Persian Architecture Studies to Define and Establish Persian Garden and its History Course, Shahid Beheshti University, 2007, Tehran, Iran.

9-Elected Researcher of the year: Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism- RICHT, and appreciated by Iranian Vice-President and Head of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization, Dec. 2006, Tehran, Iran.

1-Architectural History of Persianate World

2-History and Theory of Gardens and Landscapes

3-Urban Historic Centers, Study and Conservation

4-Architectural Design in Historic Context

5-Urban Conservation

6-Conservation of Monuments and Sites

7-Studies on the Image of the Garden in Paintings and Literary Texts

1-Member of the Steering Committee, The Cultural Heritage Base of the Historic Town of Naraq, Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization-ICHTO, From 2019, Tehran, Iran.

2-Member of the Steering Committee, The Cultural Heritage Base of the Historic Area of Vigol, Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization-ICHTO, From 2019, Tehran, Iran.

3-Member of the Scientific Committee, the Second Symposium on Seismic Rehabilitation of Heritage Structures, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, 2019, Tehran, Iran.

4-Member of the Steering Committee, The World Heritage Base of the Persian Qanats, Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization-ICHTO, From 2018, Tehran, Iran.

5-Member of the Scientific Committee, the Third International Conference on Archaeology and Conservation along the Silk Road, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, 2018, Tehran, Iran.

6-Member of the Specialized Committee of Research Programs, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, from 2017, Tehran, Iran.

7-Editorial Board Member, Scientific Journal of Kashanshenasi (Studies on kashan), Kashan Studies Research Center, University of Kashan, from 2017, Kashan, Iran.

8-Secretary and Member of the Scientific Committee, the Third International Conference on Archaeology and Conservation along the Silk Road, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, 2016-2017, Tehran, Iran.

9-Member of the Steering Committee, The World Heritage Base of the Historic Gardens of Iran, Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization-ICHTO, From 2016, Tehran, Iran.

10-Member of the National Committee on Registration and Protection of Immovable Works, Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization-ICHTO, 2014-2019, Tehran, Iran.

11-Visiting Scholar, Department of the History of Art, University of Pennsylvania, 2012, Philadelphia, USA.

12-Visiting PhD Student, Smithsonian Institution (Freer and Sackler), 2012, Washington, DC, USA.

13-Curatorial Intern for Diversity in the Arts, Internship Appointment at The Walters Art Museum, 2012, Baltimore, MD, USA

14-Pre-Doctoral Resident at Dumbarton Oaks, an Institute of Harvard University, 2011, Washington, DC, USA.

15-Member of the Scientific Committee, First Congress on Studying and Presenting the Privileges and Potentialities of Adaptation and Utilization of Historic and Cultural Places, Revitalization and Utilization Fund for Historical Places, 2010, Tehran, Iran.

16-Researcher, Historic Garden and Landscape Department, Research Center of Monuments and Sites, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism- RICHT,2005-2010, Tehran, Iran.

17-Member of Natural Heritage Committee, National Plan for Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization: Natural Heritage Committee in General Policy and Prospect Document, Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization ICHTO, 2007, Tehran, Iran.

18-Member of Scientific Committee, First Conference on Persian Gardens, Organized by Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization (ICHO) and Tehran Museum of contemporary Arts, 2003-2004, Tehran, Iran.

19-Researcher and Coordinator, Conservation and Presentation Program for Historic Gardens and Sites, Technical Office of Museum and Historic Sites, Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization (ICHO), 2001-2004, Tehran, Iran.

20-Researcher, Research Center of Encountering the Natural Disasters, Joint Program between United Nations Development program (UNDP) and Housing Foundation of Islamic Revolution, 1992-1994, Tehran, Iran. 



سال تحصیلی 1402-1403 Second Semester

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