Recent applications of chemometrics in nanotechnology

نویسندگانسعید معصوم
همایشبیست و سومین سمینار شیمی تجزیه ایران
تاریخ برگزاری همایش۲۰۱۶-۸-۳۰
محل برگزاری همایشتهران
نوع ارائهسخنرانی
سطح همایشملی

چکیده مقاله

Chemometrics as a fast spreading field, recently being applied in nanotechnology. Nanocarrier system has been proposed as a promising alternative to conventional drug delivery system. Recently, nanotechnology based drug delivery systems have gained vital importance and few of the products were successfully launched in the market and provide large number of advantages include reduce the numbers of doses and dose frequency, improve bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs, reduce side effects and improve the therapeutic efficacy.