Recent trends in electrochemical microRNA biosensors for early detection of cancer

AuthorsMahin Keshavarz, Mohsen Behpour, Hossain-Ali Rafiee-pour
JournalRSC Advances
Page number35651–35660
Volume number5
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2015-3-01
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryUnited Kingdom
Journal IndexISI ,SCOPUS ,PubMed


Cancer is one of the greatest causes of human death in the world. Early detection of cancer is the greatest strategy to increase effective treatment chances and reduce cancer burdens. Tumour markers offer powerful strategies for cancer diagnosis. For this purpose, various biomarkers have been recognized. In recent years, the development of microRNA (miRNA) biosensors has attracted great attention. miRNA is considered as an ideal biomarker for cancer detection in early stages. Electrochemical biosensors have been used widely due to the fact that they can provide simple, rapid and reliable detection. In this review, we summarize some developments in electrochemical miRNA biosensors. The discussion covers a diversity of biosensors including label or enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors, label-free electrochemical biosensors, and nanomaterials and magnetic beads in electrochemical biosensors.