Solving Fredholm integral equations by linear functions using rationalized Haar functions

نویسندگانمهدی سبزواری
همایش47th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference
تاریخ برگزاری همایش۲۰۱۶-۸-۲۸
محل برگزاری همایشتهران
نوع ارائهسخنرانی
سطح همایشملی

چکیده مقاله

The numerical solution to the linear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind by linear functions, using rationalized Haar functions are investigated. Using rationalized Haar functions and linear functions, has increased the accuracy in addition to simplicity of the method which is the dominate quality of rationalized Haar functions. In this paper, we convert the integral equation to a system of linear equations, and nally we can calculate the coecients of the linear functions after solving this system. By using numerical example, we illustrate our estimation have a good degree of accuracy.