Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
21n vitro study: green synthesis and evaluation of MgO/C-dots/DOX phosphorescent nanocomposites for photodynamic/photocatalytic therapy of tumorsمرات کریمی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فر,مجید نجاتی,حامد میرزایی,مایکل همبلاینFrontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology2023-11-22
22UV excited thermoluminescence and kinetic analysis of  CaZrO3:xCe3+ phosphors synthesized by sol–gel combustion methodمرجانه جعفری فشارکی,محمدرضا جلالی,لیلا کریمی,احسان صادقیOptical and Quantum Electronics2023-11-01
23Optical properties, singlet oxygen, and free radical production ability with different UV irradiations and antimicrobial inhibitors against various bacterial species of ZnO: Eu nanoparticlesمرات کریمی,احسان صادقی,سمیرا خسروی بیگدلی,مصطفی زاهدی فرRadiation Physics and Chemistry2023-06-17
24Green Synthesis of Au-doped SnO2 Nanoparticles Using Teucrium Polium Plant Extract for the Evaluation of Their Physicochemical and Antibacterial Propertiesمرات کریمی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فرJournal of Advanced Biomedical Sciences2023-05-15
25Thermoluminescence properties of Cu doped α -Al2O3 crystals synthesized by a solid state methodمینا باقری خوراسگانی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فر,سمیه هارونی آرانیRadiation Physics and Chemistry2023-04-11
26Fabrication and investigation of thermoluminescence properties of gamma irradiated Dy-doped crystalline aluminaمینا باقری خوراسگانی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فرNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms2023-03-06
27Fabrication and investigation of thermoluminescence properties of gamma irradiated Dy-doped crystalline aluminaمینا باقری خوراسگانی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فرNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms2023-02-06
28Comparison of green and chemical synthesis of tin oxide nanoparticles via coprecipitation technique and analysis of its optical propertiesمرات کریمی,مصطفی زاهدی فر,احسان صادقی,بهاره محمدزادهJournal of Nanostructures2022-10-10
29Fabrication, characterization, antibacterial properties, and the possibility of introducing silver tungstate nanoparticles with Zn as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapyمرضیه شریفی ولدانی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فرAPPL PHYS A-MATER2022-09-01
30Fabrication, characterization, antibacterial properties, and the possibility of introducing silver tungstate nanoparticles with Zn as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapyمرضیه شریفی ولدانی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فرAPPL PHYS A-MATER2022-09-01
31Fabrication, characterization, antibacterial properties, and the possibility of introducing silver tungstate nanoparticles with Zn as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapyمرضیه شریفی ولدانی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فرAPPL PHYS A-MATER2022-09-01
32Synthesis, feasibility study of production of singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radical and performance in antibacterial activity of ZnS:Eu QDsمرات کریمی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فرJournal of Composites and Compounds2022-06-30
33Synthesis, feasibility study of production of singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radical and performance in antibacterial activity of ZnS:Eu QDsمرات کریمی,احسان صادقی,سمیرا خسروی بیگدلی,مصطفی زاهدی فرJournal of Composites and Compounds2022-06-30
34Carbon Quantum Dots Extracted from Natural Lemon Juice: Efficient Material for Fluorescence and Antibacterial Applicationsمرات کریمی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فرJournal of Advanced Biomedical Sciences2022-06-28
35Studies on the photoluminescence and thermoluminescence properties of CaZrO3:xEu3+ phosphor for dosimetric applicationsمرجانه جعفری فشارکی,محمدرضا جلالی,لیلا کریمی,احسان صادقیOPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS2022-06-06
36Thermoluminescence and photoluminescence properties of CeF3:Dy and CeF3:Ni nanoparticlesاعظم عباسی,احسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فرRADIAT PHYS CHEM2022-05-01
37NEU TRON-GAMMA MIXED FIELD DO SIM E TRY US ING A 6LiF:Mg,Cu,P THERMOLUMINESCENT DO SIM E TERاحسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فر,پرستو رضائیNuclear Technology and Radiation Protection2021-12-01
38NEUTRON-GAMMA MIXED FIELD DOSIMETRY USING A 6LiF:Mg,Cu,P THERMOLUMINESCENT DOSIMETERاحسان صادقی,مصطفی زاهدی فر,پرستو رضائیNuclear Technology and Radiation Protection2021-12-01
40Preparation, kinetic analysis and thermoluminescent dosimetry features of highly sensitive SrF 2 :Dy phosphorمریم کاشفی بیرون -مصطفی زاهدیفر-احسان صادقی -فاطمه الماسی فردRADIAT PHYS CHEM2019
Showing 21-40 of 69 items.