Sattar Sadeghi Dehcheshmeh


DegreeGraduated inMajorUniversity
BSc1997social scienceisfahan

Employment Information

Faculty/DepartmentPosition/RankEmployment TypeCooperation TypeGrade
kashanTenure TrackFull Time8

Work Experience


Sociology of organization

Management and organizational behavior

Sociology of Development and Economics

Cultural planning

Theories and ideas in the field of social sciences

Sociology of War

Political Sociology

Cultural planning

Intercultural communication

Anthropology and ethnology and tribes and nomads


Sociology of organization, Management and organizational behavior ,Sociology of Development and Economics and social capital, Cultural planning, Theories and ideas in the field of social sciences, Sociology of War, Political Sociology, Cultural planning, Intercultural communication, Anthropology and ethnology , tribes and nomads


سال تحصیلی 1402-1403 Second Semester

شنبه ش یک شنبه ۱ ش دوشنبه ۲ ش سه شنبه ۳ ش چهارشنبه ۴ ش پنج شنبه ۵ ش
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