Hossein Sattar


DegreeGraduated inMajorUniversity
Doctoral1394Quranic Sciences and HadithUniversity of Qom

Employment Information

Faculty/DepartmentPosition/RankEmployment TypeCooperation TypeGrade
(not set)(not set)TenuredFull Time

Work Experience

Vice-chancellor in Cultural and Social Issues (2015  …)

Vice-chancellor in Social Issues (2015 …)

Member of the Board of Directors of Society of the Blind and the Low vision in Kashan

Head of the Department of Quranic Sciences and Hadith (2015)

Head of Thought Seminar for the Academic Staff of University of Kashan

Cultural Manager  of University of Kashan

Member of Academic Staff in the Department of Islamic Sciences

Researcher of the Center for Islamic Research in Iranian Broadcasting in the Project of the Elite and Scholars

Chief Editor of Quarterly Journal of Rasaneh in Kashan University

Head of the 31th of the Festival of Quran and the Prophet Household in the Area of Kashan, 2010  

Executive Vice president of the International Conference of "The Role of Art and Architecture in Scientific Relations of Iran and Arabic World" (2018)

Research Activities

A member of Editorial Board in 'Studies about Kashan' University of Kashan

A Referee for Articles of Journal of Industrial Arts of Iran, Department of Higher Art Studies, University of Kashan 

A Referee for Articles of Journal of Scientific Research, A Research Center for the Language and Commentary of Quran   


سال تحصیلی 1402-1403 Second Semester

شنبه ش یک شنبه ۱ ش دوشنبه ۲ ش سه شنبه ۳ ش چهارشنبه ۴ ش پنج شنبه ۵ ش
۸-۱۰ -
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو ۹-۸
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو ۱۰-۹
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مراجعه دانشجویی ۱۰-۹
فقه‌الحدیث 4
علم رجال
مراجعه دانشجویی
فقه‌الحدیث 3
۱۲-۱۴ -
شورای گروه
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو ۱۴-۱۳
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علم رجال تطبیقی
علم رجال
مراجعه دانشجویی
تحقیق درباره جوامع حدیثی کهن و متأخر شیعه
نقد آراء معاصران درباره حدیث
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو ۱۸-۱۷
علم رجال تطبیقی
۱۸-۲۰ - - - - - -