‘Jesus’s Ascension based on critique of contemporary English translations of Holy Quran by focusing on polysemy issue’ (Case study: Al Imran Sura: 3:55)

Authorsحسین ستار,خدیجه زینی وندنژاد,فاطمه کاظم زاده
Journalقرآن و روشنگری دینی
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2023-01-21
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of


The polysemy is one of the inevitable phenomena in inter-lingual translation. The collocation relation in polysemous phenomenon is assumed as one of key concepts at this phenomenon and this image has caused many researchers of Islamic studies to consider it as a kind of figures of speech and similar cases in Quran. Arabic term ‘توفی’ in this Quranic phrase: ‘إِنِّی مُتَوَفِّیکَ وَرَافِعُکَ إِلَیَّ: I am going to terminate the period of your stay (on earth) and cause you to ascend unto Me’ (Al Imran Sura: 3:55) may include some concepts e.g. death, sleep, perfect capture and seizure of soul etc. Translation of this phrase of Quranic verse in inter-lingual translation from Arabic to English has led to some challenges in estimation of the closest and most precise equivalent for it in contemporary translations from Holy Quran. In addition to citation from ten translated versions from contemporary translations of Holy Quran in the present paper, and by using descriptive analytical methodology and taking approach toward votes of Quranic exegetes, it is inferred that in comparison with other translation versions, Shakir’s translation may reflect context of this verse more clearly; while, other translation versions e.g. Irving, Pickthall and Sarvar have presented free translation of this verse and translation works such as Saffarzadeh, Qara’i, Progressive Muslims and Arberry remained committed to lexicons at this verse and they represented literal translation from this Quranic verse. Similarly, translation versions from Muhamed and Samira have inversed fact of magic adventure of this verse rather than presentation of an image of death of Jesus Christ (PBUH).

tags: Jesus’s Ascension, Jesus Christ (PBUH), Polysemy, Full Seizure (توفی), Contemporary English Translators of Holy Quran