Preparation, kinetic analysis and thermoluminescent dosimetry features of highly sensitive SrF 2 :Dy phosphor

Authorsمریم کاشفی بیرون-مصطفی زاهدیفر-احسان صادقی-فاطمه الماسی فرد
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2019-06-16
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryUnited Kingdom


Dy doped SrF 2 microcrystalline was prepared by co-precipitation technique. Thermoluminescence (TL) glow
curve of γ irradiated SrF 2 :Dy phosphor consists of a main glow peak at 485 K with small shoulders at around
384 K and 590 K. The effects of different dopant concentrations and annealing regimes on TL sensitivity were
investigated and the optimum conditions were achieved at 1 mol% of Dy dopant and annealing at 700 °C for
30 min. Initial rise, variable heating rate, isothermal decay and computerized glow curve deconvolution (CGCD)
methods were applied to obtain kinetic parameters of the prepared material. TL sensitivity of this phosphor is
about 10 times more than that of LiF;Mg;Ti (TLD-100). Based on the obtained results, the synthesized phosphor
is appropriate for dosimetry applications.