مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۴۱Differential quadrature method for vibration analysis of electro-rheological sandwich plate with CNT reinforced nanocomposite facesheets subjected to electric fieldA. Ghorbanpour Arani, S.A. Jamali, H. BabaAkbar-ZareiCOMPOS STRUCT2017-4-01
۴۲Dynamic stability of nanocomposite viscoelastic cylindrical shells coating with a piezomagnetic layer conveying pulsating fluid flowA. Ghorbanpour Arani, S.A. Mortazavi, Z. Khoddami MaraghiScience and Engineering of Composite Materials2015-7-01
۴۳Size-dependent vibration analysis of a rotating MR sandwich beam with varying cross section in supersonic airflowA. Ghorbanpour Arani, T. SoleymaniINT J MECH SCI2018-11-26
۴۴Size-dependent vibration analysis of an axially moving sandwich beam with MR core and axially FGM faces layers in yawed supersonic airflowA. Ghorbanpour Arani, T. SoleymaniEuropean Journal of Mechanics / A Solids2019-05-23
۴۵Size-dependent vibration analysis of a rotating MR sandwich beam with varying cross section in supersonic airflowA. Ghorbanpour Arani, T. SoleymaniInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences2018-11-26
۴۶Size-dependent vibration analysis of an axially moving sandwich beam with MR core and axially FGM faces layers in yawed supersonic airflowA. Ghorbanpour Arani, T. SoleymaniEUR J MECH A-SOLID2019-05-23
۴۷Theoretical investigation on vibration frequency of sandwich plate with PFRC core and piezomagnetic face sheets under variable in plane loadA. Ghorbanpour Arani, Z. khoddami Maraghi, M. FerasatmaneshStructural Engineering and Mechanics2017-01-25
۴۸Theoretical investigation on vibration frequency of sandwich plate with PFRC core and piezomagnetic face sheets under variable in plane loadA. Ghorbanpour Arani, Z. khoddami Maraghi, M. FerasatmaneshSTRUCT ENG MECH2017-01-25
۴۹Theoretical investigation on vibration frequency of sandwich plate with PFRC core and piezomagnetic facesheets under variable inplane loadA. Ghorbanpour Arani, Z. khoddami Maraghi, M. FerasatmaneshSTRUCT ENG MECH2017-1-01
۵۰Nonlinear stability of nonaxisymmetric functionally graded reinforced nanocomposite microplateA. Loghman, A. Ghorbanpour Arani, A.A.M. BarzokiCOMPUT CONCRETE2017-2-01
۵۱Effect of Fluid–Structure Interaction on Vibration of Moving Sandwich Plate With Balsa Wood Core and Nanocomposite Face SheetsA.A. Ghorbanpour Arani, E. Haghparast, A. Ghorbanpour AraniINT J APPL MECH2020-09-26
۵۲The Frequency Response of Intelligent Composite Sandwich Plate under Biaxial In-Plane ForcesA.A. Ghorbanpour Arani, Z. Khoddami Maraghi, A. Ghorbanpour AraniJournal of Solid Mechanics (JSM)2020-06-28
۵۳Magneto-Rheological Response in Vibration of Intelligent Sandwich Plate with Velocity Feedback ControlA.A. Ghorbanpour Arani, Z. Khoddami Maraghi, A. Ghorbanpour AraniJournal of Solid Mechanics (JSM)2020-07-16
۵۴Wave propagation of coupled double-DWBNNTs conveying fluid-systems using different nonlocal surface piezoelasticity theoriesA.H. Ghobanpour-Arani, A. Rastgoo, A. Hafizi Bidgoli, R. Kolahchi, A. Ghorbanpour AraniMECH ADV MATER STRUC2017-8-01
۵۵Nonlinear dynamic analysis of temperature‑dependent functionally graded magnetostrictive sandwich nanobeams using different beam theoriesA.H. Ghorbanpour-Arani, M. Abdollahian, A. Ghorbanpour AraniJ BRAZ SOC MECH SCI2020-05-04
۵۶Active control of three-phase CNT/resin/fiber piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite porous sandwich microbeam based on sinusoidal shear deformation theoryB. Rousta Navi, M. Mohammadimehr, A. Ghorbanpour AraniSteel and Composite Structures2019-09-03
۵۷Active control of three-phase CNT/resin/fiber piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite porous sandwich microbeam based on sinusoidal shear deformation theoryB. Rousta Navi, M. Mohammadimehr, A. Ghorbanpour AraniSTEEL COMPOS STRUCT2019-09-03
۵۸Active control of three-phase CNT/resin/fiber piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite porous sandwich microbeam based on sinusoidal shear deformation theoryB. Rousta Navi, M. Mohammadimehr, A. Ghorbanpour AraniSTEEL COMPOS STRUCT2019-09-03
۵۹Comparison of different cylindrical shell theories for stability of nanocomposite piezoelectric separators containing rotating fluid considering structural dampingH. RahimiPour, A. Ghorbanpour Arani, Gh. SheikhzadehSTEEL COMPOS STRUCT2017-2-01
۶۰Vibration analysis of spherical sandwich panels with MR fluids core and magneto-electro-elastic face sheets resting on orthotropic viscoelastic foundationJ. Kargar, A. Ghorbanpour Arani, E, Arshid, M. Irani RahaghiSTRUCT ENG MECH2021-04-06
نمایش ۴۱ تا ۶۰ مورد از کل ۳۲۰ مورد.