Crystallinity and magnetic properties of electrodeposited Co nanowires in porous alumina

نویسندگانعبد العلی رمضانی-محمد الماسی کاشی-غفور سیدی
نوع مقالهFull Paper
تاریخ انتشار۲۰۱۲-۱-۰۱
رتبه نشریهISI
نوع نشریهچاپی
کشور محل چاپایران
نمایه نشریهISI ,SCOPUS

چکیده مقاله

Crystalline Co nanowires were pulse electrodeposited into nanoporous aluminum oxide template having an ultra-thinned barrier layer. The effects of off-time between pulses and electrolyte acidity on the microstructure and magnetic properties of the nanowires were investigated. Increasing the off time between pulses increased the crystallinity and the alignment of easy axis with the wire axis. The rate of these increments was seen to depend on the electrolyte acidity and reached its maximum at pH¼5.25 electrolyte acidity. Optimizing the crystallinity and crystal orientation, a coercivity value of 3320 Oe and a squareness of490% were obtained for pure Co nanowires. A 10% increase in coercivity was found after annealing the samples.