Runtime Verification of Pacemaker Functionality Using Hierarchical Fuzzy Colored Petri-nets

نویسندگاننگار مجمع-سید مرتضی بابامیر-امیر حسین منجمی
تاریخ انتشار۲۰۱۶-۱۲-۰۱
نمایه نشریهISI ,SCOPUS

چکیده مقاله

Today, implanted medical devices are increasingly usedformanypatientsandincaseofdiversehealthproblems. However,severalruntimeproblemsanderrorsarereportedby therelevantorganizations,evenresultinginpatientdeath.One of those devices is the pacemaker. The pacemaker is a device helping the patient to regulate the heartbeat by connecting to the cardiac vessels. This device is directed by its software, so any failure in this software causes a serious malfunction. Therefore, this study aims to a better way to monitor the device’s software behavior to decrease the failure risk. Accordingly, we supervise the runtime function and status of the software. The software verification means examining limitations and needs of the system users by the system running software. In this paper, a method to verify the pacemaker software,basedonthefuzzyfunctionofthedevice,ispresented.So,thefunctionlimitationsofthedeviceareidentifiedand presented as fuzzy rules and then the device is verified based on the hierarchical Fuzzy Colored Petri-net (FCPN), which is formed considering the software limits. Regarding the experiences of using: 1) Fuzzy Petri-nets (FPN) to verify insulin pumps, 2) Colored Petri-nets (CPN) to verify the pacemaker and3)ToverifythepacemakerbyasoftwareagentwithPetrinetworkbased knowledge,which wegainedduringthepreviousstudies,theruntimebehaviorofthepacemakersoftwareis examined by HFCPN, in this paper. This is considered a developing step compared to the earlier work. HFCPN in this paper, compared to the FPN and CPN used in our previous studies reduces the complexity. By presenting the Petri-net (PN) in a hierarchical form, the verification runtime, decreased as 90.61% compared to the verification runtime in the earlier work. Since we need an inference engine in the runtime verification, we used the HFCPN to enhance the performance of the inference engine.