
Translation from English to Persian:

1. Carnap’s Autobiography, Tehran, Sekut Publishers, 2002 
2. John Macquarrie, An Existentialist Theology: A Comparison of Heidegger and Bultmann, Qum, Bustan-e Ketab, 2002 
3. Alexander Rosenberg, The Philosophy of Science: A Contemporary Introduction, Tehran, Taha Publishers, 2006

Translation from Arabic/Persian to English   (All with Dr. Fazel Asadi):

1. ‘Allameh Tabataba’i, Ali and the Philosophy of the Divine, Tehran, Alhoda, 2005 
2. ‘Abd al-Rasul ‘Ubudiyyat, Introduction to Islamic Philosophy, Qum, OAHIS, 2007
3. Mulla Sadra Shirazi, Breaking the Idols of Ignorance, London, ICAS Press, 2008 
4. ‘Allameh Tabataba’i, The Return to Being, A Translation of Risalat al- Walayah, London, ICAS Press, 2009 
5. Mulla Sadra, Divine Manifestations (Translation of al- Mazahir al- Ilahiyyah), London, ICAS Press, 2010 
6. Studies in Islamic Philosophy, Al-Hoda, Tehran, 2011 
7. Mulla Sadra, Awakening the Sleepers (Translation of Iqaz al- Na’imin), London, MIU Press, 2013 
8. S. Rahimian, Principles of the Islamic Theoretical Mysticism, Islam and West Research Centre, London, 2016 

Persian Books:

1. English for Students of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Hikmat Faraz Pub, Qum, 2017. 
2. Satan' Market (novel), Taha Pub., Qum, Winter 1398 A.H. 
3.  A Hundred Short Stories (in Arabic), Daftar Aql Pub, Qum, Summer 1399 A.H. 
4.  Hidden tears, Hikmat Faraz Pub, Qum, 1399 A.H.