
 I have successfully supervised the following M. A. projects: 

1. Pre-eternal Origination, Primary of Existence and Quiddity in Mir Damad' Thought  

2. The Theory of Imamate from the Viewpoint of Asharite Theologians: Study and Critique  

3. The Theory of Imamate in Ismailia and Imami Sects: A Comparative Study 

4. The Explanation of the Reality of the Soul from the Viewpoint of Allama Majlesi and Its Critical Study by Mulla Sadra  

5. The Principle of Casualty from the Viewpoint of Peripatetic Philosophers: A Comparative Study 

6. A Study of Approach of Three Generations of Tafkik School Regarding the Relation of Reason and Religion

 7. The Explanation and the Study of the Unity of Existence in Mulla Sadra' Philosophy and Its Relation with Statements on the Unity of Existence in the Quranic Verses and Hadths 

8. A Study of the Basis and the Range of the infallibility of God' prophets from the Viewpoint of Abul Hasan Ashai and His Followers 

 9. The Problem of the Succession of the Prophet Muhammad from the Viewpoint of Gazzali and Feyd Kashani: A Comparative Study  

10. A Study of the Characteristics of Divine Man from the Viewpoint of Suhravadi and the Friends of God in Mowlavi' Thought 

11. A Study of Three Generations of Maktab Taafkik Regarding the Relation between Reason and Religion  

 12. Explaining the Conflict or Non-conflict of Philosophical and Theological Views of Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi in Tajrid Al-Eteghad and Sharh Al-Esharat