Chapter ۱۵: Data Science in Health Informatics

ناشر : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2021
دسته کتاب : فصل از کتاب

Healthcare systems are critical during the human lifecycle in this era, and people always try to improve these systems’ quality. There are many subsystems, objectives, and problems in these systems, and usually, they are related to many other systems, mainly economic and political. Besides, data science consists of many tools, methods, and algorithms for the automation of procedures that can facilitate human activities and improve our life quality. This study reviews different requirements of healthcare systems and data science tools to show the application of data science in healthcare systems. Also, it describes the pros and cons of data science tools for more consideration in healthcare systems. This chapter can help others learn many concepts about data science techniques and their applications in this domain, use keywords from it for future work, and apply its methods as a road map.

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