List of Articles in Conferences

Showing 1,641-1,660 of 3,007 items.
Paper TitleConference TitleEvent PlaceAuthors
Anti Superstition from Perspective of QuranQom UniversityQomFahimitabar,H
(Method of Quranic interpretationin Household School(ASUniversity ofTehranTehranFahimitabar,H
Supervision upon rulers in Nahj Al-BalaghehHamedanUniversityHamedanFahimitabar,H
Characteristics of Quran and Function of Verses in Ali s WordArak UniversityArakFahimitabar,H
Attributes of Kufa People in Alawi s RumorEducation Center of Hadith and Quranic SciencesQomFahimitabar,H - Hashemizadeh, F
Pathology of endowment culture by TraditionUniversity of KashanKashanFahimitabar,H
Attention to Food, Why?Arak Medical UniversityArakFahimitabar,H- Sharif Al-hosseini, M
Association and Social HardshipsUniversity of MashhadFahimitabar,H
Passive Defenses and Intellectual DisastersUniversity of KashanFahimitabar, H
Cultural Promotion of the Needy in the Family of the InfallibleRazavi ManagementUniversity of MashhadFahimitabar,H
A non standard finite difference method for HIV infection of CD4+T cells model46th annual irannian mathematics conferenceYazdMorteza Bisheh Niasar
A non standard finite difference method for a biological system7th national conference on mathematicsTabrizMorteza Bisheh Niasar
A non-standard finite difference scheme for burgers-fisher equation13th international seminar on differential equations dynamical systems and applicationsIsfahanM. Bisheh Niasar- M Akrami Arani
An explicit compact finite difference scheme for burger equation7th international seminar of numerical analysis and its applicationsKermanM. Bisheh Niasar-M. H. Hossein pour- M. Arab
Two new nonstandard finite difference schemes for bratu problem48th annual iranian mathematics conferenceHamedanMorteza Bisheh Niasar
بررسی پارامترهای موثر بر طول تزویج در تزویجگر جهت‌دار هیبریدی پلاسمونیکی مبتنی برInP با خوردگی عمیقکنفرانس فیزیک ایران1 - تبریزفرشاد سلیمان نژاد,محمدامین مهدیان,محمود نیکو فرد
Mysticism and Literature, Unicity and AlienationCollection of Articles of the First Gathering of Persin language and literature Researches.TehranAlreza Fouladi
The author's testimony; Criticism of the Death Theory by Roland BartSarir-E Sokhan (Collection of articles of the second literary conference)TehranAlreza Fouladi
Attar and Contemporary CrisisCollection of Articles of the National Conference on Passive Defense and HumanitiesKashanAlreza Fouladi
The Paradox of Senses in Poetry of Children and Adolescents After the Victory of the Islamic RevolutionCollection of Articles of the Tenth International Conference of the Promotion of Persian Language and LiteratureArdebilAli Armaghan and Alireza Fouladi