The Geometric System of Single Impost Rasmi-bandi, Derived from Peripheral Circle

AuthorsHamidreza Farshchi- Ahmad Danaie Nia- Ahmad Ashrafi
JournalMaremat & Me’mari-e Iran
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published AtFall &Winter ۲۰۱۶- ۲۰۱۷
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexISC- SID


Rasmi-bandi is one of the distinctive and original patterns in traditional architecture
which provide the ceiling coverage. This domestic artwork represents the mastery of
Iranian architects in geometry. Unlike the other architectural geometric ornaments such as
Yazdi-Bandi, Muqarnas, kaseh-sazi, Rasmi-bandi seeks an excellent order in the setting.
Although appropriate setting is achieved for Rasmi-bandi during implementation by
preparing the impost experimentally, but there are some vague points in dimensional
symmetry and the provided solutions are not efficient. This paper dealing specifically
with the setting of Rasmi-bandi derived from peripheral circles, firstly investigates the
history of interaction between mathematicians and architects and the role of geometry
in architecture and then by presenting the definition and the status of Rasmi-bandi and
the viewpoint of experts, deals with the formation of assorted types of Rasmi-bandi in
peripheral circle and its analysis. Providing the frequency table of each type of Rasmibandi,
providing dimensional asymmetry of Rasmi-bandi settings, and determining the
geometric system and the numerical relation among them are some of the findings of this
Keywords: geometry in architecture, Rasmi-bandi, geometric ratio, peripheral circle

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