مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱Hot hybrid neutron star matter within a statistical baryonic approach and the PNJL quark modelS. A. Ghaemmaghami and M. Ghazanfari MojarradPhysical Review D2025-01-13
۲Nuclear symmetry energy and its role in the thermodynamic instabilities of nuclear matter using an ab initio statistical approachS. A. Ghaemmaghami and M. Ghazanfari MojarradRadiation Physics and Engineering2024-12-25
۳Thermal effects on the baryon–quark phase transition in hot hybrid neutron stars: a statistical mean-field baryonic model with the standard NJL model for deconfined quarksS. A. Ghaemmaghami and M. Ghazanfari MojarradEuropean Physical Journal Plus2023
۴Influence of a phase-space extension of nuclear forces on the sharp baryon-quark phase transition in hybrid neutron starsS. A. Ghaemmaghami, M. R. Khoshi and M. Ghazanfari MojarradThe European Physical Journal Plus2023
۵Hot dense nuclear matter with the Thomas-Fermi approximationN. S. Razavi and M. Ghazanfari MojarradNUCLEAR PHYSICS A2023
۶A statistical model for the thermodynamic instabilities of asymmetric nuclear matterS. A. Ghaemmaghami and M. Ghazanfari MojarradEuropean Physical Journal A2022
۷Hybrid neutron stars with the Thomas-Fermi approximation and nonlocal Nambu–Jona-Lasinio modelJ. Ranjbar and M. GHazanfari MojarradPhysical Review C2021
۸Thomas–Fermi approximation in the phase transition of neutron star matter from β-stable nuclear matter to quark matterM. Ghazanfari Mojarrad and J. RanjbarAnnals of Physics2020
۹Hybrid neutron stars in the Thomas-Fermi theoryM. Ghazanfari Mojarrad and J. RanjbarPhysical Review C2019
۱۰Symmetry energy and symmetry free energy of asymmetric nuclear matter in the Thomas-Fermi ApproximationM. Ghazanfari Mojarrad and M. S. FatemiJournal of Research on Many-body Systems2019
۱۱Proto-neutron stars in the Thomas-Fermi theoryM. Ghazanfari Mojarrad - N.S. RazaviNucl. Phys. A2019
۱۲Thomas–Fermi approximation for β-stable nuclear matter in the Landau Fermi-liquid theoryM. Ghazanfari Mojarrad, N. S. Razavi and S. VaezzadeNucl. Phys. A2018
۱۳Thomas–Fermi approximation for the equation of state of nuclear matter: A semi-classical approach from the Landau Fermi-Liquid theoryM. Ghazanfari Mojarrad and S. K. Mousavi KhoroshtomiINT. J. MOD. PHYS. E2017
۱۴Explicit form of the nucleonic chemical potential in nuclear matter on the basis of Thomas-Fermi approximationM. Ghazanfari Mojarrad and Mahdokht Minaee BidgoliJournal of Research on Many-body Systems2017
۱۵Hyperon-rich matter in a two-solar-mass neutron star within the Thomas-Fermi approximationM. Ghazanfari Mojarrad and R. ArabsaeidiINT. J. MOD. PHYS. E2016
۱۶Thomas-Fermi calculations for determination of critical properties of symmetric nuclear matter on the basis of extended effective mass approachM. Ghazanfari Mojarrad, S. K. Mousavi Khoreshtami, A. MostajeranIranian Journal of Physics Research2016
۱۷Strange baryonic matter in the Thomas-Fermi theoryH. R. Moshfegh and M. Ghazanfari MojarradEur. Phys. J. A2013
۱۸Thermal properties of baryonic matterH. R. Moshfegh and M. Ghazanfari MojarradJ. Phys. G2011
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