Reliable prediction of the condensed (solid or liquid) phase enthalpy of formation of organic energetic materials at ۲۹۸ K through their molecular structures

نویسندگانبهزاد نظری-محمد حسین کشاورز-مسعود همدانیان-سجاد موسوی-علی رضا قائدشرفی-حمید رضا پوراعتدال
تاریخ انتشار۲۰۱۶-۱-۰۱
نمایه نشریهISI ,SCOPUS

چکیده مقاله

A reliable new method is introduced to predict the condensed (solid or liquid) phase enthalpy of formation of organic energetic materials (at 298 K). This model is based on some additive and non-additive functions, which are based on elemental composition and some molecular fragments. The novel correlation is constructed on the basis of experimental data of 222 organic compounds containing different types of energetic bonds such as -O-O-, eN3, eON]O, eNO2, eONO2 and eNNO2. For 144 compounds of this set, where the best available group dditivity method can be used, the root mean square (rms) deviations of the new and group additivity methods from experimental data are 31.0 and 68.2 kJ/mol, respectively. For further 77 energetic compounds, where the computed results of quantum mechanical methods for simple organic energetic compounds were available and the best available group additivity method for some complex molecules can be applied, the rms deviations of the new, quantum mechanical (54 compounds) and group additivity (51 compounds) methods from the measured data are 35.9, 42.1 and 170.6 kJ/mol, respectively.