S.Hojat Mousavi


DegreeGraduated inMajorUniversity
BSc2007GeographyUniversity of Kharazmi
MSc2009Physical Geography-GeomorphologyUniversity of Isfahan
Ph.D2014Physical Geography-GeomorphologyUniversity of Isfahan

Employment Information

Faculty/DepartmentPosition/RankEmployment TypeCooperation TypeGrade
University of KashanAssociate Professor, Department of Geography and TourismTenuredFull Time10

Work Experience

  • Membership of Geography and Tourism Department.
  • Professor Consultant of the Scientific Natural Resources Association - Desertification from February 2009 for one year at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Geosciences, University of Kashan.
  • Top researcher in year 2017 at Faculty of Natural Resources and Geosciences, University of Kashan.
  • Principles of Economic Geography
  • Schools and Geographic Theories
  • Theory Fundamentals of Planning
  • Geography Information
  • Geotourism
  • Biotourism
  • Climate and Comfort in Ecotourism
  • Ecotourism and Health
  • Evaluating and Monitoring Ecotourism
  • GIS in The Environment
  • Remote Sensing
  • Cartography and Thematic Maps
  • Application of Natural Geography in Urban Planning
  • Natural Environment of the City
  • Application of GIS and RS for Identifying Desert Hazards
  • Fourth Formations
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Techniques of Ecotourism tour guidance and planning
  • Application of Geographical technologies (GIS and RS) in Ecotourism
  • Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing in Urban Planning
  • Methods and Techniques of Geomorphosite Zoning
  • Tour Guiding in Tourism
  • General Geology
  • Instructor of GIS comprehensive workshop for 12 hours in year 2017 at Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, University of Kashan.
  • Geography and Ecotourism
  • Geomorphology
  • Remote Sensing
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Research Activities

  • Instructor of GIS comprehensive workshop for 12 hours in year 2017 at Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, University of Kashan.
  • Presenter of International Workshop of “Desertification and GIS” on February 11-15, 2019 in University of Kashan.
  • Instructor of Geographic Information System workshop for 10 hours in year 2022 at Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, University of Kashan.
  • Reviewer of Desert Ecosystem Engineering Journal, University of Kashan
  • Reviewer of Quantitative Geomorphological Research, Iranian Association of Geomorphology, University of Tehran
  • Reviewer of Journal of Applied Researches in Geographical Sciences, University of Kharazmi
  • Reviewer of Journal of Spatial Planning, University of Isfahan
  • Reviewer of Journal of Arid Regions Geographic Studies, Hakim Sabzevari University
  • Reviewer of Scientific - Research Quarterly of Geographical Data (SEPEHR), Tehran
  • Reviewer of Journal of Environmental Studies, University of Tehran
  • Reviewer of Journal of Physical Geography Research, University of Tehran
  • Reviewer of Quarterly Journal of Environmental Erosion Research, Hormozgan University
  • Reviewer of Journal of RS and GIS for Natural Resources, Islamic Azad University of Bushehr Branch
  • Member of Iranian Association of Geomorphology
  • Member of Iranian Association of Land Use Planning


سال تحصیلی 1402-1403 Second Semester

شنبه ش یک شنبه ۱ ش دوشنبه ۲ ش سه شنبه ۳ ش چهارشنبه ۴ ش پنج شنبه ۵ ش
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو
مراجعه دانشجویی
محیط طبیعی شهر
شورای دانشکده/پژوهشکده
مراجعه دانشجویی
مراجعه دانشجویی
مراجعه دانشجویی
شورای گروه
مراجعه دانشجویی
مراجعه دانشجویی
مراجعه دانشجویی
ارزیابی توان اکولوژیک در طبیعت‌گردی
آب و هواشناسی اکوتوریسم
شورای فرهنگی
نقشه‌ و GIS در گردشگری
نقشه‌ و GIS در گردشگری(2.00),گروه 1, () شروع زوج
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو
فنون راهنمایی و برنامه‌ریزی تور ژئوتوریسم
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو
کاربرد فناوری‌های جغرافیایی (GIS و RS) در طبیعت‌گردی
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو
راهنمایی و مشاوره دانشجو
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